Hi, I am Fahri Rusliyadi. I am a full stack web developer based in Jakarta, Indonesia. I am self-taught web development. I've been obsessed with learning about the latest and greatest in web development. I am great at Vue.js, Laravel and WordPress. I can also work as a system administrator.
Developer Skills
- Markup Language: HTML
- Style Sheet Language: CSS
- Programming Language: PHP, JavaScript
- CMS: WordPress
- PHP Framework: Laravel, Yii, CodeIgniter
- Front-End Framework: Bootstrap
- JavaScript Library: jQuery
- JavaScript Framework: Vue.js, Nuxt.js
- Node.js Framework: Express
- Version Control System: Git
- Other: PWA, REST API
Sysadmin Skills
- OS: Debian, Ubuntu
- Web Server: NGINX, Apache
- Scripting: PHP, Node.js
- Database Server: MySQL, MariaDB
- Cache Server: Redis
- Process Control System: Supervisor
- SSL Certificate Manager: Certbot (Certificate Authority: Let's Encrypt)
- Containerization: Docker
- Continuous Integration and Deployment